CIW - Care Inspectorate Wales
Dylan’s Den is CIW (Care Inspectorate Wales) registered.
The CIW regulate and inspect to improve care and social services for people in Wales , which means that if you are claiming tax credits you may be able to claim some of your childcare costs back.
Why choose a registered setting?
Did you know that Dylan’s Den is registered with Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW)? CIW is the ONLY regulatory body that inspects childcare and play work settings and verifies that we are meeting the national minimum standards for regulated childcare.
Using a CIW registered setting means that:
Fees can be more affordable and we are able to offer schemes such as Tax-free childcare, the Welsh 30-hour childcare offer, and childcare elements of tax credits.
Dylan’s Den adheres to strict adult to child ratios. PUT IN RATIOS
We are inspected by CIW against leadership and management, the environment, the children’s wellbeing, care and development to unsure Dylan’s Den provide a quality service.
Dylan’s Den has comprehensive policies and procedures in place which ensures a safe, quality environment for your children.
Dylan’s Den staff are all DBS checked and trained in safeguarding, 1st Aid and food Hygiene and understand the importance of learning through play and how to effectively support children’s learning and development
Registered settings can better meet your needs than an un registered setting.
We have a unique registration number and you can review our latest inspection online
CIW National office
0300 7900 126
Welsh Government office
Rhydycar Business Park
Merthyr Tydfil
CF48 1UZ
Check out our latest inspection report, just follow the link below.