Dylan's Den Awards & Certificates
At Dylan's Den we strive to be the best we can be,
offering you and your child the best childcare possible.
Cwm Taf Healthy and Sustainable
Pre-School Scheme
Dylan’s Den enrolled in the Cwm Taf Healthy and Sustainable Pre-School Scheme at the beginning of 2019. This is a Welsh Government funded initiative managed by Public Health Wales. The structure of this scheme is managed in three phases with each phase taking approximately one year to complete. The aim of this scheme is to develop specific areas of children’s health, enhance each aspect of health education, provide guidance, resources, activities and training where needed.
This will be individual to Dylan’s Den.
Our aim is to provide an environment that is conducive to positive health and have the health and well-being of both our staff and children confirmed as our highest priority.
November 2019 saw us successfully complete Phase One which is Nutrition and Oral Health and Physical Activity/Active Play.
Due to our planned refurbishment and Covid Phase Two was put on hold. Phase Two Emotional Health and Well-being and Workplace Health and Well-being was eventually started in September 2021 and successfully completed in June 2022.
Dylan’s Den started the final phase – Phase Three in December 2022, this covers the Environment. We are on track to complete this phase by the end of the Summer Term 2024
RCT Quality Assurance Scheme
A Quality Assurance Scheme is important to any setting as it provides evidence of good practice. There are a number of different schemes available but Dylan’s Den decided to use the local RCT Scheme.
The RCT Quality Assurance Scheme aims:
To acknowledge the excellent practice that is
taking place.
To set a level of quality that is higher than the law requires for minimum standard registration.
To enable Dylan’s Den to demonstrate they have reached an approved standard in all aspects of their provision.
To enable Dylan’s Den to continually improve on their existing quality.
To enable parents and carers to know with confidence that Dylan’s Den offers a high quality service.
To assist Dylan’s Den in completing their self-assessment form for Care Inspectorate Wales and it can be used as evidence to demonstrate that the quality of care in the provision is above minimum registration requirements.
We were awarded the RCT Quality Assurance Scheme Certificate in 2017 to become an Early Years, Childcare and Play Provision Approved setting. At the time we were one of two settings with this award in RCT and the only one in the Rhondda.
Sunsafe - Certificate
of Accreditation
In 2019 Dragon Tots had their first accreditation for being a Sun Safe Nursery. This is a national accreditation that Is renewed annually, the content of which forms part of our duty of care to ensure the health and wellbeing of your child(ren) during pre-school hours. The scheme has been developed by national skin cancer charity ‘Skcin’, It aims to educate children and parents to increase their knowledge, influence behaviour and prevent skin cancer.
Whilst we all agree that some sun is good for us we also feel that sun safety is an important health and safety issue. Children spend a lot of time outdoors during the warmer months and are therefore exposed to ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Without adequate protection a child’s delicate skin can easily burn, this can cause cumulative and irreparable damage that could significantly increase their risk of developing skin cancer in later life.
The good news is that skin cancer is almost entirely preventable and with parental support, simple steps can be undertaken to ensure that your child is protected and can enjoy the sun safely.
Although this Is a preschool nursery award the knowledge obtained will benefit all settings in Dylan's Den.
Food Hygiene
The food hygiene rating is not a guide to food quality, it is a guide to the suitability of the area where preparation is carried out. It is the job of the Food Standard Agency to monitor businesses and use their expertise to ensure the food prepared is of a safe standard.
Dylan’s Den has a rating of 4 that was achieved in 2017. Since this was awarded our food preparation area has had a refit but due to Covid our last rating was done by self-assessment so was unable to increase. We are hoping to achieve a 5 in our next inspection.
Exemplar Award
Dylans Den has achieved Chwarae Teg’s Evolve Employer Status in 2014 by demonstrating exemplar standards in our commitment and implementation of equitable and flexible working practices, and have fostered an environment resulting in a positive impact in employees and the business as a whole.
Dylan’s Den are commited to providing effective and constructive opportunities, which enhance employability and life skills, as well as creating a positive impact on the community.
The Exemplar Employer Award recognises businesses that have moved above and beyond legal compliance in the areas of equality and diversity to create flexible workplaces and equality of opportunity for all employees. It recognises organisations that have fostered an inclusive workplace by bringing to life policies and practices to ensure the recruitment, retention and progression of a diverse, skilled and flexible workforce.
Having Exemplar Employer Status means the organisation practices its commitment of equitable and flexible working practices, and has fostered an environment which has resulted in a positive impact on employees and the business as a whole.
Chwarae Teg, a charity which supports women to enter the workplace and develop skills in Wales.